Bloom Tex Hydroponics

Back Draft Dampers

Back Draft Dampers helps to optimise ventilation in grow rooms while also ensuring that all unwanted bugs and air are kept out.

What is the purpose of back draft dampers?

These are used in conjunction with inline ventilation systems to keep filtered exhaust air out of your grow area. It helps to keep bugs and outside air out of your grow room’s exhaust system. Outside air can enter your grow room while the fans are switched off, but using a Backdraft Damper will prevent this. Similarly, when equipped with a carbon filter, this will aid in the control of grow room odours as well as the prevention of untreated air exiting your grow room.

Backdraft Dampers can be utilised in a variety of situations.

They are used to manage air flow in and out of a grow room in professional hydroponic systems. Install the damper downstream from your fan, such that when the fan is turned on, the airflow opens the damper, and when the airflow ceases, the damper shuts. This effectively keeps undesired air and insects out of your grow space.